La dinámica cultural en un contexto pluriétnico: el caso de Quebec

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Laura López Morales


Societies nowadays face the challenge of defining their identities when their cultural composition is more and more diverse. Old parameters which linked themselves to a definition based on a heritage of a tradition and a culture shared by a community is not viable today. Quebequois society nowadays, especially in the region of Montreal, has a profile constructed day by day due to people who have resided there for many generations, the newly arrived, and the shared experiences among them in work environment and public places. The particular case of the province of Quebec is quite revealing of the most characteristic traces of the cultural dynamics generated by the presence of ethnic groups of diverse origins that interact in the same space.

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Cómo citar
López Morales, L. (2009). La dinámica cultural en un contexto pluriétnico: el caso de Quebec. Anuario De Letras Modernas, 14, 181–188.
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