From a Place to a Space: To Wayfarer, to Inhabit, and to Write the Score
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This paper deals with the creative process that resulted in the score for Relación I. En Negro. Trayecto Finlandia—performance of the Efimerodramas group at the Genaro Pérez Museum in Córdoba, Argentina—on the abstract installation Negro. Trayecto Finlandia by the artist Mónica Ostchega. The exercises and actions were carried out between 24 May and 7 June 2017, as part of the work for the research grant of the National Theatre Institute (Instituto Nacional del Teatro), Argentina. The crisis of the dramatic form in which the Repetitive Minimalist Systems arise—this being a theatrical method created by the Spanish playwright and teacher José Sanchis Sinisterra with which Efimerodramas has been working since 2017—is introduced via the proposals of Hans-Thies Lehmann and Jean-Pierre Sarrazac, to then observe the tension of the method that the group generates with performance art. The description of the different moments of the collaborative writing process leads to the characteristics of the resulting score. This work is part of a larger investigation (dissertation at the National University of Córdoba) dedicated to the forms of writing that the Efimerodramas group generates since the establishment of its project at the Center for Research and Production in Arts, Faculty of Arts, National University of Cordoba, in Argentina.
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