Sor Juana and the Painters - A neo-baroque Perspective
Contenido principal del artículo
This text intends to explore how renewed interest in the Baroque has transcended the field of literature and Sor Juana is once more attracting the attention of artists who update the Baroque with contemporary techniques and attitudes. The text focuses mainly on a contemporary picture of Sor Juana, parodying the well-known portrait by Miguel Cabrera and how it also contains elements of the Neo-Baroque. In addition, this picture includes in the composition the first quatrain of one of the poet’s sonnets, which creates an ekphrastic dimension and multiplies the possible readings.
Detalles del artículo
Cómo citar
Faraudo, R. (2009). Sor Juana and the Painters - A neo-baroque Perspective. Anuario De Letras Modernas, 14, 63–70.
Artículos de investigación