Convocatoria para publicación
Nuevos retos metodológicos de la investigación en literatura hispánica
Nuevas Glosas. Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios is a bi-yearly Open Access publication created to promote and publish Hispanic and Spanish research in linguistics, literature, and literary theory. The articles Nuevas Glosas publishes do not adhere to any particular theoretical frame, as long as they contribute to promoting the knowledge of Spanish as a language in any of its cultural manifestations. The journal is aimed at anyone within the international academic community (teachers, researchers, and students) who specializes in Hispanic Philology, Spanish Linguistic, or Literary Studies. Some of the journal’s themes include research on Mexican, Spanish, and Latin-American Literature, Synchronic and Diachronic Linguistic Analysis, and Literary Theory.
Nuevos retos metodológicos de la investigación en literatura hispánica
No. 6 (2023)