Problemas de la recepción de la tercera Crítica de Kant

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Evodio Escalante


The history of reception of Kant’s Critique of Judgement is surrounded by equivocal and oblique readings that at the end result fruitful and can’t be denied by simply declaring them “erroneous”. This article analyzes some of these “misunderstandings” originated by the rigor of this book, which effects can be acquainted even in some branches of contemporary art as well as of the “posmodern” thought. It is also pointed the way in which the writing of The Critique of Judgement supposes a significant change in Kant’s original conceptions in the way they were exposed in The Critique of Pure Reason.

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How to Cite
Escalante, E. (2007). Problemas de la recepción de la tercera Crítica de Kant. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (18), 95–108.
On Kant