El tabú de la sobrepoblación y la ética ambiental

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Lizbeth Sagols


In this paper, I establish the disscus the ethical urgency of the overpopulation problem as a cause of the planet’s destruction y the deshumanization. I hold up that the overpopulation is a taboo for the ecologists in general and for important ambiental ethical teorics. And I reckon this problem is holding up for religious prejuides. In this way, I don`t support a malthusian perspective, on the contrary, I criticise such perspective in Holmes Rolston III and other enviromental teorics. I think in a solution through the education and stimulating and public politcs.


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Cómo citar
Sagols, L. (2013). El tabú de la sobrepoblación y la ética ambiental. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (23), 45–58. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.16656415p.2011.23.371