La filosofía clásica alemana es obra de teólogos encubiertos: el protestantismo en la génesis del idealismo alemán

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Virginia López Domínguez


Schopenhauer and Nietzsche pointed out that the classical German Philosophy was the expression of a covert Theology. In fact, from Lessing to Hegel, through Kant, trough the Idealists and the Romantics,  German philosophers and thinkers studied in protestant schools and seminaries, for the most part, of pietist orientation. This article shows the general characteristics of pietism and how it influenced the problems statement, the doctrines and ideas of some of these philosophers.

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Cómo citar
López Domínguez, V. (2017). La filosofía clásica alemana es obra de teólogos encubiertos: el protestantismo en la génesis del idealismo alemán. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (33), 149–162.
Protestantismo y Lutero