Kierkegaard y el idealismo: lineamientos de su proximidad histórico-especulativa

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María José Binetti


In opposition to the hegemonic interpretation of Kierkegaard as anti-idealistic and anti-hegelian, the following pages aims at showing why Idealism would constitute the metaphysical matrix of Kierkegaardian thought. Some of the idealistic principles assumed by Kierkegaard would be: the self-consciousness starting point, the absolute dialectics of identity, the free and infinite becoming of idea in existence, the synthesis of self, and the reciprocal action of individual.

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Cómo citar
Binetti, M. J. (2015). Kierkegaard y el idealismo: lineamientos de su proximidad histórico-especulativa. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (28), 11–30.