Ciencia, acción y articulación social: una mirada desde John Dewey

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José Ramón Orrantia Cavazos


In this article, we relate John Dewey’s theory of science, according to which there has been a harmful excision in the core of scientific activity between knowledge acquisition and scientific practice, with his democratic proposal regarding the creation of publics capable of setting limits to the consequences resulting from transactions between social agents. In order to do that, in the first place we will use his notion of instrument as that which helps realize relations and reconstruct aspects of reality not given in advance; secondly, we will use the enlightening distinction he and Bentley make between interaction and transaction, which will shed some light on the kind of methods that could be used to understand the complex interweaving of social phenomena and, thus, project some kind of control through the creation of democratic publics and communitarian associations whose base is constituted by active social agents capable of transforming reality.

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Cómo citar
Orrantia Cavazos, J. R. (2018). Ciencia, acción y articulación social: una mirada desde John Dewey. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (34), 91–103.