Experiencia, realidad y verdad en el pragmatismo. Entre William James y Henri Bergson
Contenido principal del artículo
The aim of this work is to explore the relations between the concepts of experience, reality and truth in the philosophy of William James, through a dialogue with Henri Bergson, a decisive influence for the pragmatist. This text is divided into five parts: 1) a brief introduction to the problem; 2) the development of the concept of experience in James philosophy; 3) the explanation of the concept of reality in this radical empiricism; 4) the exposition of three forms of truth that correspond to antiquity, modenity and pragmatism; 5) and, finally, a brief conclusion about the posterities and the actuality of this empirical philosophy.
Detalles del artículo
Cómo citar
Villalobos Manjarrez, A. (2018). Experiencia, realidad y verdad en el pragmatismo. Entre William James y Henri Bergson. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (34), 121–141. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.16656415p.2018.0.804