Aim and Scope

Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía is a bi-yearly Open Access publication created to promote and publish original research of social and environmental relevance from several theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives, which are the result of research projects, conferences, academic experience, and promotion. Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía publishes texts concerning the study of geography's many subjects, and that contribute to the analysis of new theories, innovative perspectives, and the consolidation of older approaches and methods. The journal promotes a dialogue between disciplinary studies that share a similar object of study, contribute to the corpus of geographic research, or facilitate the instruction of the discipline. In this sense, the journal also includes work by teachers and researchers from other institutions and countries dedicated to the study of geography.


Tlalli is part of the Research Journal Project of the School of Philosophy and Literature of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and adheres to the editorial activity guidelines established by the University in its Official Gazette in September 3, 2018. The School of Philosophy and Literature’s editorial guidelines promote the publication of humanistic, scientific, and artistic academic research to contribute to the common well-being of the University and society as a whole.



Journal Sections

Research Articles

This section contains articles about geography written from any critical approach. We suggest the following structure: introduction, hypothesis, research questions, critical perspectives, results, discussion, and a Works Cited list.   


Thematic Articles (Dossier)

This section contains articles that adhere to a specific theme established in every issue's Call for Papers.  


This section contains reviews of recent scientific books. Reviews must include the complete bibliographical reference. The structure of each submission will depend on the purposes of each author, the book’s most important contributions, the methodology, the presentation of results, and the overall structure of the book.




Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía accepts texts written in Spanish, English and Portuguese.



Publication Frequency

Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía is a biannual publication that receives texts all year long through this website. It is published in the first 10 days of June and December.



Editorial and Review Process

Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía uses Open Journal Systems 3 (OJS3), an open-source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals developed and financed by the Public Knowledge Project and subjected to a GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). All contributions to the journal are received and managed through this platform. Throughout the editorial process, every submission is analyzed with specialized software that detects plagiarism.


The journal uses a double-blind peer-review system. Each submission is reviewed by two external specialists who must fill out an evaluation form in the OJS platform. Before evaluation, reviewers must clearly state that there is no conflict of interest concerning the submission. By "conflict of interest," we mean any professional, financial, or personal relationship that may affect the outcome of the review process.


On average, each issue takes six months to be completed, from the date the submissions period ends to the date of publication. Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía is a biannual publication issued every June and December. For an article to be published in June, authors must submit all necessary documentation by December 15 of the previous year. In order to publish in December, submissions must be received by June 15.




Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía acknowledges and respects the authors’ ownership rights. To authorize the review, publication, reproduction, and distribution of any of the accepted submissions, for academic purposes and in non-commercial settings, authors must transfer the ownership rights of their submission to the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). For this reason, once their submission is accepted, authors must sign a letter transferring their ownership rights to the University. Authors may perform other non-exclusive contractual agreements for the distribution of their work and make it available elsewhere (like other journals, databases, or personal webpages), as long as they explicitly credit the original publication and, whenever possible, include a link to the publication contained in Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía.



Access and Distribution Policies

Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía is an Open Access publication. All of the publications of the journal are distributed under a Creative Commons Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) that allows anyone to copy, distribute, and communicate any of the texts published here provided that this is done free of charge, in educational and other non-commercial settings, for non-commercial purposes, and that the source is adequately credited. Every commercial and derivative reproduction of a text published in Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía requires a permit. These permits should be requested via email to Authors should provide a complete reference to the material they intend to use (volume, issue, year, author, title, DOI, page numbers), along with the reproduction purposes. If the request is accepted, correspondent credits will have to be published in the replicated text.




Preservation Policy

Under the teaching, research, and cultural promotion principles established in the Organic Law of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the School of Philosophy and Literature’s research journals carry out various processes to guarantee free and permanent access to all digital documents across time and technological changes. For this reason, all the digital documents published in Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía are deposited in the institutional repository Athenea Digital FFyL, which is linked to the National Repository of Mexico through the CONACyT Institutional Repositories Project with number 296202.


All articles published in Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía use a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as a uniform resource identifier (URI), which guarantees permanent access to documents and allows their interoperability with other platforms. In addition, to distinguish the research activities of specialists with similar or identical names, authors must provide an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID iD), an open, unique, and persistent global identifier for researchers, which provides a clear method for linking research activities and products from these identifiers.



Open and Free Access

Tlalli. Revista de Investigación en Geografía is an academic journal sponsored by the School of Philosophy and Literature of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and financed through public funds. Submitting, reviewing, and publishing articles is free of charge for authors. No fees are charged to access any of the materials of the journal.



Ethics Code 

Responsibilities of the Editorial Committee

The editorial committee will ensure that the evaluation criteria coincide with the journal’s editorial guidelines and the times frames established in the call for papers of each number, thus ensuring the journal’s quality.


Responsibilities of the Editors

  1. Editors must ensure and maintain the quality of the publications. Because of this, after the double-blind peer-review, the acceptance or rejection of a given text will be based on its originality, importance, clarity, and relevance. Editors are in charge of any final decisions regarding the publications.
  2. Editors must notify the results of the review process to the authors and resolve any controversies that may arise.
  3. Editors must guarantee the anonymity of the evaluation process by ensuring that the identity of the authors and reviewers is never compromised.
  4. Editors will inform authors, via the OJS, about the different stages of the editorial process the texts go through and the results of the review process.
  5. The editors, the Editorial Committee, and the editorial team members will not divulge any written information contained in the submitted texts and any images, maps, or figures without the authors’ consent regardless of the results of the review.


Responsibilities of the authors

  1. Authors must guarantee that the manuscripts, images, maps, figures, and tables are original, factual, ethically obtained, and of their authorship.
  2. Authors must include a commitment letter to the main editor certifying that the text submitted to Revista de Investigación en Geografía is original, has not been previously published elsewhere, or has been simultaneously submitted to any other journal or publication, including any translations, regardless of the format (digital or digital print). The letter must be signed and submitted along with the manuscript via the OJS platform.
  3. For the texts to be published, they must adhere to the editorial guidelines established by the Editorial Committee as indicated in the Call for Papers and the journal’s website.
  4. Authors must send two separate files—one without any personal information, including any bibliographical references, and another containing all of the information required for the cover page as established by the editorial guidelines. Both files must include any images, maps, figures, and tables, which should be numbered and properly organized.
  5. Authors must cite any quotes of references made within the text.
  6. Plagiarism will result in the removal of the text from the journal.
  7. Authors must determine the order of appearance of any coauthors within the body of the text by placing their information as indicated in the editorial guidelines, including acknowledgments and the source of any funding.
  8. Once they have received the review results, which can be a) accepted pending minor corrections or b) accepted pending significant corrections, the authors must make the necessary corrections to improve the overall quality of the text. Authors must send a second version of the text with corrections by using the “track changes” tool in Microsoft Word. Second versions must maintain the word limit and adhere to the editorial guidelines.
  9. Authors will have 15 days to correct and resolve all notes and observations made by the reviewers and send a second version of the text. To avoid any postponements, authors must adhere to the submission dates established by the journal; otherwise, the submission will be dismissed.
  10. The final versions, along with any corrections, must be authorized by the author before publication. Additionally, they must sign and submit a letter transferring their ownership rights to the University. By no means can authors send a new version of the text without notifying the editors within the time frames established by the journal.  


Responsibilities of the reviewers

  1. All submitted proposals to Revista de Investigación en Geografía will be sent to two experts in the subject area, inviting them to participate in the review process and considering their experience and availability. Their acceptance must be notified within a week.
  2. If these experts accept reviewing an article, they will be sent the full manuscripts without the author’s personal information. They will have 30 days to complete their review as established by the journal guidelines.
  3. Reviewers must complete all of the information required in the format: Title of the article and the manuscript number, and any corrections and notes. This process helps guarantee the quality, originality, and relevance of the articles published in Revista de Investigación en Geografía.
  4. Reviewers must notify if they detect any wrongdoings or ethical concerns in the texts.
  5. Reviewers must adhere to the double-peer blind-review system guaranteeing the anonymity of the texts and authors.
  6. If there are any conflicts of interest, reviewers must notify so to the main editor.