An Analysis of Gaps and Omissions in the Conservation of Vegetation Types in Nuevo Leon, Mexico
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This paper details the gaps and omissions in conservation of the vegetation types (GAP) of the 43 protected areas (PA) and 10 proposed PAs in Nuevo León, whose total extension covers 2,059,730 ha, which represent 32.1% of the state territory. This was done by determining the degree of representativeness of the types of primary vegetation in the current PA and 10 proposed PA, based on the mountain and hill regions (slopes > 5 degrees), the primary vegetation and the sites of extreme priority for biodiversity conservation, excluding areas with human settlements. The three types of natural vegetation of primary condition that are conservation gaps in the current PA of Nuevo León are: gallery forest, halophilic grassland and crasicaule scrub. With the incorporation of the 10 proposed PA, only the gallery forest would represent a conservation gap, and six of the 22 types of vegetation would be conservation omissions. The remaining 14 vegetation types represent above 30% of PA. The conclusion is that it is necessary to provide PAs with sufficient economic resources to implement conservation actions.
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