Cambio climático, agua subterránea y su enseñanza en la geografía
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Inside of scientific literature and in the public debate related how decision makers understand the negative consequences of climate change, greater importance is usually attributed to phenomena as a water scarcity, floods, and droughts, among other adverse effects that have been studied from several disciplines. Precisely, studies from Hydrogeology conclude that water extraction patterns every day are unsustainable because their tendency is to extract larger volumes of non-renewable water on a human time scale, jeopardizing any water security project and making it unfeasible on the long term, the survival of ecosystems associated with hydrogeological dynamics. In contrast, although water is studied in Geography, in this case from subdisciplines such as Hydrogeography, marginal attention tends to be paid to the study of the processes, mechanisms and institutional arrangements that, with a marked territorial dynamic, have favored patterns of extraction of this unsustainable water, the accumulation of rights and inequity in water allocation. In this contribution, a critical reflection is offered that emerges from a set of lessons from the development, presentation and academic debate for groundwater regulation proposal in Mexico published in 2017, concluding the urgent need to modernize the teaching content of hydrological cycle issues and the processes associated with its social transformation under geographic thoughttradition society-nature, as a foundation for updated professional training in Geography in line with challenges imposed by climate change in the currently century.
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