Las metamorfosis de los mitos de Ícaro y Dédalo: una correlación de las estéticas de Publio Ovidio Nasón y James Joyce

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Cruz Alejandro Hernández Rico


This article examines how, despite belonging to different times and worldviews,
both Ovid in his Metamorphoses and James Joyce in A portrait of the Artist
as a Young Man use the myth of the labyrinth of Daedalus as a metaphor for
the shape of their respective works and see the myth of Icarus as a symbol
of the avant-garde artist: one who must depart from the established order in
pursuit of novelty.


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How to Cite
Hernández Rico, C. A. (2017). Las metamorfosis de los mitos de Ícaro y Dédalo: una correlación de las estéticas de Publio Ovidio Nasón y James Joyce. Anuario De Letras Modernas, 19, 123–132.
Research Articles