La propuesta pedagógica antimaquiavelista de las Empresas políticas de Diego Saavedra Fajardo
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With the purpose of counteracting the negative influence of Maquiavelo in Spain and with the aim of demonstrating his political inconvenience, a lot of writers dedicated their work to interpret The Prince and other philosophical works written by the Italian author. Diego Saavedra Fajardo wrote a text in which he adopted the emblem as a mnemonic and educational procedure. In the first part of his book, he indicates how the prince’s education should be in his early years, all in order to direct him into the research of preserving the National Interest without contradicting Christian morals and, above all, by staying away from the injurious Machiavellism. The present article seeks to analyze some of the educational advices that work as an “antidote” for the possibility of the future governor to consider Maquiavelo’s reachings adequate.