Nietzsche y el pathos de la verdad

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Greta Rivara Kamaji


Throughout the twentieth century, language became a central topic for Philosophy. The past century was that of Heidegger, thanks to his famous shift of the problem of existence to the problem of language; of Gadamer, for his monumental
formulation of philosophical hermeneutics; and of Ricoeur, for his long way. However, all of this does not constitute solely an insight of twentieth century thinkers, but rather the reception of an inheritance, I believe, is the legacy of Friedrich Nietzsche. In this article I examine the way Nietzsche was able to put in crisis, by introducing the problem of truth in the field of language, that Reason which believed to be in full possession of itself and of what is real. By placing the truth in the field of language and, therefore, interpretation and perspective, what Nietzsche claimed was the need to build a rationality infused in historicity and finitude, a conception of life as a donation of meaning. In so doing, what
Nietzsche unveiled was the ontological power of language.


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How to Cite
Rivara Kamaji, G. (2015). Nietzsche y el pathos de la verdad. Anuario De Letras Modernas, 18, 91–102.
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