La disputa de los antiguos y los modernos

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Claudia Ruiz García


The main purpose of this study is to explore Théophile de Viau’s poetic production, a poet who belongs to the 1620 generation. Many arguments have emerged from his work, which during the second half of the XVII century were known as “La Querelle des Anciens et des Moderns”. This text is focused only in studying Viau’s
poetic work which is conceived as a poetic manifest (“Élegie à une Dame”, “À Monsieur du Fargis” and Première Journée), which allows us to understand his
position as a supporter of the moderns, in opposition to the defenders of tradition and those who participate in what is known as the classical doctrine, such as Nicholas Boileau.

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How to Cite
Ruiz García, C. (2013). La disputa de los antiguos y los modernos. Anuario De Letras Modernas, 17, 55–63.
Research Articles