Sergio Pitol y Fabio Morábito: la autofiguración como decentramiento del autor

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Jezreel Salazar


This article reflects on the authorial figure in Mexico based on two Mexican writers who have recently developed autobiographical works: Sergio Pitol and Fabio Morábito. The analysis of El mago de Viena (2005) and El idioma materno (2014) shows how both authors question the classical conventions of autobiography and at the same time produce textual spaces not easy to classify. This contributes to a disjointed notion of identity, an epistemology of complexity and to questioning the authorial narrative hierarchies. This unstable autobiographical rhetoric (and self-critical forms of figuration that project) involve different representations of intellectual runout in the Mexican cultural field, and help to change the writer’s hierarchical and narcissistic status.

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How to Cite
Salazar, J. (2018). Sergio Pitol y Fabio Morábito: la autofiguración como decentramiento del autor. Nuevas Poligrafías. Revista De Teoría Literaria Y Literatura Comparada, (4), 18–41.