El mundo es un libro que alguien escribe. O de cómo Elizondo vive y se escribe a sí mismo mediante un bucle paradojal

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Andrés Gutiérrez Villavicencio


The main subject of Salvador Elizondo’s literature is the process of writing itself. The world is a book that someone, maybe him, is writing. The image of author that he transmits on his appearances on television, radio and even in pictures of him, is that of a character who lives life, within what’s possible, as if he were part of a novel. Texts just like his Autobiografía precoz, Elsinore and his diaries are some of the examples of this process of self-fictionalization that the author makes of his own life, but the summit of this practice can be found in El hipogeo secreto, where Elizondo writes himself through an intricate paradoxical loop of four steps, which I will analyze in this essay.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Villavicencio, A. (2018). El mundo es un libro que alguien escribe. O de cómo Elizondo vive y se escribe a sí mismo mediante un bucle paradojal. Nuevas Poligrafías. Revista De Teoría Literaria Y Literatura Comparada, (4), 42–60. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.poligrafiasnuevaepoca.2018.4.1680