Stereotypes in Gore Capitalism: The Profitability of Violence in the Netflix series Narcos (2015)

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John Jaime Hurtado Cadavid


This article analyzes the exploitation of the stereotypes of Colombian culture in the series Narcos (2015) produced and broadcast by Netflix. The central question is how the use of the stereotypes of the violent Colombian and drug trafficker becomes a fundamental source to develop profitable film projects and promote this stereotype worldwide thanks to streaming platforms such as Netflix. For this, the research is based on a conceptual analysis of the formation of stereotypes that divide populations between the "normal" and the undesirable (those who have a mark or social stigma) and their use in film productions with images of spectacular violence that turn narco-series into representatives of gore capitalism. Then, some scenes from the television series are described to exemplify the uses of Colombian stereotypes that, mixed with elements of fascinating violence, make it possible to create a language that potentiates the initial stereotypes. To conclude, the importance and need to generate academic spaces for debate is raised. That is, the need to build a systematization of knowledge that leads to the evolution of awareness of the uses of violence and the formation of stereotypes as languages with the ability to stick and be transmitted through the cultural film industry.

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How to Cite
Hurtado Cadavid, J. J. (2024). Stereotypes in Gore Capitalism: The Profitability of Violence in the Netflix series Narcos (2015). Nuevas Poligrafías. Revista De Teoría Literaria Y Literatura Comparada, (9), 108–126.
Central Poligrafías


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