Embodying the Crisis: Bodies, Corpus, and Comparative Literature

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Meri Torras Francés


This text traces a possible genealogy in the trajectory of comparative literature and is concerned with describing and analyzing those inflections that show that the discipline has always been in crisis. This critical existence is not interpreted as a negative element but precisely as what makes it possible for necessary and decisive debates to emerge in the arena of Comparative Literature. Among them, the text focuses especially on the emergence of the body in literary-cultural thought, a body made corpus, that is, it is embodied discursively while challenging discourses, a body textualized in the arena of the pluri and transmedial combat of these same discourses, which collect the codes and languages that constitute literature in dialogue. Thus, the article is divided into two parts: in the first part, this genealogy of the discipline in permanent crisis is outlined, emphasizing the transformations that sustain the body's entry onto the scene, while the second part focuses on the question of that embodied crisis.

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How to Cite
Torras Francés, M. (2024). Embodying the Crisis: Bodies, Corpus, and Comparative Literature. Nuevas Poligrafías. Revista De Teoría Literaria Y Literatura Comparada, (9), 182–198. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.29544076.2024.9.2089
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