La vida psíquica del poder a partir del caso Yndira Sandoval

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Zenia Yébenes Escardó


The case of Yndira Sandoval contributes to elucidate three aspects whose relevance we intend to show in these pages. First, how the modern state, as a social construction contains an excess that encourages control technologies applied to bodies marked by ethnic and sexual difference. Second, how this control technology is supported by a fantasy of sexual violence that authorizes a real scenario linked to the role of the nation-state. Third, how the case unveils the scenario that crosses the fantasmatic concept of the nation-state in relation to the differences that became pressing among the Mexican feminist activism.

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How to Cite
Yébenes Escardó, Z. (2019). La vida psíquica del poder a partir del caso Yndira Sandoval. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (35), 109–125.
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