The Architectonic Project of Kant's Critical Philosophy as a Reform of Philosophy

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Daniel Caballero López


This paper offers an interpretation of the totality of Kant’s philosophy as a reform to the concept of philosophy in agreement with the metaphysical and moral nature of reason. To achieve this, the elements that serve the reform are articulated—namely, the comprehension of philosophy under the scholastic and the cosmic concepts, the latter being born out of the rational teleology expressed in the history of philosophy. Then, the interpretation of the architectonic methodology that serves this reform is laid out, first demonstrating that the function of the critical question concerning the synthetic a priori judgments is to determine the limits of the possibility of knowledge; second, arguing that this question is subsumed under the rational interests of human beings in order to create a connection between the possibility of knowledge and reason’s end, which corresponds to the structuring of philosophy according to the Wisdom to which it tends. Finally, the place occupied by each Critique in the reform project is demonstrated. Thus, the interpretation regains the eminently metaphysical and moral intentions of Kant’s enterprise, allowing to approach it as a whole. 

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How to Cite
Caballero López, D. (2021). The Architectonic Project of Kant’s Critical Philosophy as a Reform of Philosophy. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (41), 6–25.
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