Extending the Concept of Technological Appropriation through Historical Materialism

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Leonardo Aranda Brito


This article focuses on analyzing the concepts of appropriation and appropriation of fixed capital in Hegel and Marx, respectively, to propose an expansion and redefinition of the concept of technological appropriation, politically oriented towards the construction of a post-capitalist society. The text proposes three readings of the concept of appropriation in Marx: first, as historical modes of appropriation. Second, as a mode of capitalist appropriation. Third, as appropriation of fixed capital. The main argument of this work proposes that the last of these forms of appropriation is a synthesis that originates in the contradictions of the capitalist appropriation mode, and from which a resignification of the concept of technological appropriation can be derived. The article affirms that technological appropriation, far from being limited to the transfer of ownership of technology from hegemonic centers, or being a form of adoption and adaptation of technology to peripheral contexts, carried out by subaltern subjects, can be understood as a political strategy aimed at building a post-capitalist society, based on the reorientation of the objectives of technology, as well as on the rethinking of its organizational forms and its aesthetic, ethical and political dimensions. The last section of this text concludes by proposing the principles to rethink technological appropriation from the Marxist reading that is carried out here.

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How to Cite
Aranda Brito, L. (2023). Extending the Concept of Technological Appropriation through Historical Materialism . Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (45), 6–28. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.29544270e.2023.45.1815
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