Hilbert, Kant y el fundamento de las matemáticas

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Carlos Torres Alcaraz


This paper looks into Hilbert’s thought about mathematics and explores its relation which the philosophy of Kant. The focus of the research is in the role of axiomatic thinking and logical analysis in foundational studies. The paper concentrates mainly in Hilbert’s research regarding the foundations of geometry, and follows his main lines of thought up to his programme, which revolves around a consistency proof for the axioms of classical mathematics. A final analysis allows us to conclude that for him mathematics is, in a broad sense, “the science of that which is possible” in this point, Hilbert diverges from Kant, even though he considers that classical mathematics has in its core a content, a view which separates him from the extreme formalism some times ascribed to him.

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How to Cite
Torres Alcaraz, C. (1999). Hilbert, Kant y el fundamento de las matemáticas. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (8-9), 111–129. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.16656415p.1999.8-9.225
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