María Zambrano y la actitud filosófica

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Greta Rivara


This paper presents a brief review of the essay “The Philosophic Attitude”, in which María Zambrano analyzes the attitude philosophy has taken throughout history regarding itself. This article examines the opinion the author has regarding certain forms of rationalism, in which the pretension of turning philosophy into a “rare science” prevails, according to her expression. This article also analyzes how Zambrano sees this claim materialized in some forms of Positivism and Idealism. Zambrano says that in opposition to these forms, thinkers like Bergson, Nietzsche, and Ortega y Gasset represent a change of attitude, and they have become philosophies whose heterodoxy present concrete alternatives to Philosophy.

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How to Cite
Rivara, G. (2001). María Zambrano y la actitud filosófica. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (10), 43–48.
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