Apuntes para la comprensión de la hermenéutica en Heidegger

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Paulina Rivero Weber


What’s the meaning of the expression “hermeneutics” in Heidegger’s thought? In this paper, Sein und Zeit, and the dialog between Heidegger and Tesuka Tomio, lead us to possible meanings of hermeneutics in Heidegger. For him, as for Plato’s Ion, that expression has something to do with human structure, and with its possibility of “listening” and the “bringing of a message”. Heidegger stopped using the word “hermeneutics” after Sein und Zeit, but his philosophical work may be regarded as a way to show how can hermeneutic philosophy work. For this kind of philosophy, the concepts of “silence” and “message” have a new philosophical meaning.

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How to Cite
Rivero Weber, P. (2001). Apuntes para la comprensión de la hermenéutica en Heidegger. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (11-12), 89–97. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.16656415p.2001.11-12.271
On Heidegger