Identidad personal y narración: una lectura

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María Rosa Palazón


In Soi-même comme un autre, Ricoeur defines the personal identity as singular; so, it is the way in which every individual structures a sediment of experiences and  ways of being in the world common within a chronotop, and, a personalized way of reacting to circumstance challenges. Commonly, due to what is shared, the other is an alter ego. Identity is a holon which can not be atomized, as the puzzling cases or Musil’s L’Homme sans qualités intend to do. Ricoeur splits the identity in “mêmeté” and “ipséité”. The first one designates a center of acummulative experiences; the ipséité, the other from the soi-même, that is, the historical or changing quality of the mêmeté. With Bremond and Greimas theories, Ricoeur attributes to the literary narration the best examples of the dialectics between mêmeté and ipséité. Besides, with McIntyre, he considers literary narration as the best way to formulate ethic judgements from the described experiences.

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How to Cite
Palazón, M. R. (2007). Identidad personal y narración: una lectura. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (18), 87–92.
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