El guadalupanismo y el ethos barroco en América

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Bolívar Echeverría


Echeverría has said that “The strategy of cultural miscegenation specific to the Iberian American tradition is a Baroque strategy”, and in this text he explore one of the fundamental stategies of this miscegenation; in his words: “It is difficult to find a clearer example of the Baroque behavior that would spread through Latin  American societies beginning in the 17th century than that found in this alteration of Christian religiosity as conducted by the Guadalupan Indians of Mexico in the 16th century”.

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How to Cite
Echeverría, B. (2013). El guadalupanismo y el ethos barroco en América. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (23), 101–110. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.16656415p.2011.23.376
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