Reflexiones sobre ethos barroco y guadalupanismo

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Omar Mejía Vergara


Taking as starting point the mexican tradition about the virgin of Guadalupe as a clear example of the “baroque behavior”, a proposal made by Bolívar Echeverría, the present text discusses the emphasis that this author gives to the indigenous aspect of the phenomenon. In this way, the paper seeks to include into the analysis in key of baroque ethos also the presence of creole thinkers; specially, with the importance of the called “evangelists of Guadalupe”, a group of four authors from the seventeenth century, who configurated intelectually this worship in the New Spain. Thus, continuing Echeverría’s original line, the final part of the text proposes a new aplication of his baroque ethos in processes and events ocurred in New Spain during seventeenth century, because some are very important to understand the mexican mode of being.

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How to Cite
Mejía Vergara, O. (2016). Reflexiones sobre ethos barroco y guadalupanismo. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (30-31), 119–131.
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