Hermenéutica e historicismo

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María Rosa Palazón


The epistemologies had been based on a notion of time which registers the characters of change or recurrence of processes; in opposition to this, contemporary historicism and hermeneutics use the holistic or systemic paradigm to study contemporary differences and the deferring of processes. Gadamer supports the context-giving labor proposed by philological hermeneutics since it deals with historical change or deferring. He departs, however, from this tendency, for in his view historical interpretation is not exhausted in the context-giving labor. Gadamer's also differs from Dilthey's historicism, on the ground that the task of the historian is not to look back into the consciousness of an agent which has disappeared historically. Gadamer criticizes a version of historicism which does not take into account the historicity of the historian. That is, history is written from her present, from the effects of the historical processes which, in addition, imply the futuristic projections of the historian herself. 

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Cómo citar
Palazón, M. R. (1998). Hermenéutica e historicismo. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (7), 67–77. https://doi.org/10.22201/ffyl.16656415p.1998.7.210
En favor de Gadamer