Del exilio al reino: los personajes de Albert Camus en busca de su felicidad
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n L’Exil et le royaume, La Chute and L’Étranger, the characters of Albert Camus
are aware of the absurdity of living in this world of illusion; they are awake men
and women according to eastern philosophy as Buda’s one. When they appraise the
existence of another world, they look for their Self, marginalizing themselves of
the rest of the world. All Camus’ work is a constant dialogue with Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
especially with Le Rêve d’un homme ridicule. The marginalization of the
Russian protagonist of this short story reminds the interior exile of the Camusian
characters. Some of them find their Self and their own happiness in human solidarity.
Undoubtfully, the bound with otherness is the key to find oneself. If man is able
to love the other, then he access to the brotherhood’s kingdom.