Nuevas Poligrafías. Revista de Teoría Literaria y Literatura Comparada is a specialized journal that publishes original works about comparative literature and literary theory. The journal also embraces other arts and disciplines that can be related to these subjects. Because of its interdisciplinary and intercultural nature, which goes beyond literary theory, the journal includes classic comparative studies—such as those on works of literature in different languages, genres, images, and historical or thematological configurations—as well as investigations on other fields that have been added to the study of comparative literature as a result of the social and technological changes of this century—like studies on translation, postcolonialism, popular culture, and intermedial or transmedial explorations. Nuevas Poligrafías. Revista de Teoría Literaria y Literatura Comparada is published every six months and accepts papers in Spanish, English, and occasionally, in French, Portuguese, German, and Italian.

No. 9 (2024)

Published: 2024-04-22

Editorial Note

Aurora Piñeiro Carballeda, Ainhoa Vásquez Mejías


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